
<<<<<<< Updated upstream

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Can I contribute? You can find and contribute to the source code on GitHub.

Browser and device support? The latest desktop versions of Chrome and Firefox.

Where's my stuff? There's no account system; everything is stored in cookies. If you wipe those, or close your incognito window, it's gone forever. You can download your data for safekeeping via the Settings menu.

How can I contact the developers? The preferred channel for general enquiries is via our Discord server. You can contact us privately via email at

Anything else I should know? Hold SHIFT when hovering to lock a window in place. Every button has tooltips—hover over them to learn more. You will forever be a GM.



Can I contribute? A copy of the source is available on GitHub.

Browser and device support? The latest desktop versions of Chrome and Firefox.

Where's my stuff? There's no account system. Everything is stored in cookies. If you wipe those, or close your incognito window, it's gone forever. You can download your data for safekeeping via the Settings menu.

Anything else I should know? Hold SHIFT when hovering to lock a window in place. Everything has tooltips. You will forever be a GM.

>>>>>>> Stashed changes